Travel Interruptus Continues

We have mostly been in the apartment for the past month. Carol has  not been feeling well and is not comfortable going anyplace. Some friends have come by for a visit and Josh has been a regular presence. Rohma has been with her family so we haven’t seen as much of her as we would like. 

Today was to have been special since Dan and his family were flying in for the weekend. However they woke up with cold symptoms and chose to keep them to themselves and not share. They are rescheduling for next weekend. Rohma and Josh will be coming over to spend some time with us and have dinner. 

This is not my usual newsy post, just a simple report of what’s happening. 

That was 3 weeks ago.  Where did the time go? They did come in the following weekend . There were 4 of them plus Josh and Rohma for a total of 8 for meals in the apartment. But then our friend Leora from Las Cruces came in for her Brighton High Reunion and joined our gang for Friday night dinner in the apartment! As we settled down from that Pricilla Douglas our former neighbor from East Avenue arrived on Saturday for a planned visit and we had planned to have her join us for dinner so again we were 9 for dinner. We have done 13 in the motorhome a time or two so 9 in the apartment felt spacious for us. 

Since that visit we have been getting out more and not just for medical appointments for both of us, although there have been plenty of those. We have the luggage out to prepare for departure on Tuesday afternoon. and we are getting ready for Yom Kippur. I have been blowing shofar at every service for the holidays that it is called for and for a group in a senior living setting who gather regularly. 

Although we have no plans to give up our RV lifestyle we have moved up Plan B and put down a deposit for an existing facility as well as the new one that isn’t under construction yet. That is the future. For now I have 18 months left in my current term as Board member at Jojoba Hills SKP Resort. This gives me plenty to keep me busy between Bridge games. Carol is looking forward to her projects. She has another building renovation project to lead.

10 thoughts on “Travel Interruptus Continues”

  1. Happy to read that all is well with you both. Hope Carol stays well and the next year will go way to fast,

  2. Sounds, as usual for you both , challenging and adventurous, Go safely, go slowly and rediscover the roses.

  3. Best to you, Carol and Paul, in the New Year! Be well and continue the wonderful adventures you have so generously shared with us. I am a faithful reader and a great admirer of your
    life experiences!
    Thank you !

  4. God Bless both of you and may this new year for you be healthy and filled with new adventures!!! As always – you are in my prayers – Much Love – Darlene

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