The New Mural

As promised a picture of the new mural on 114 Saint Paul St – opposite our lining room window at 80 Saint Paul St This was taken from the parking lot to avoid shooting through 19th century glass and 20th century plexiglass. 

Image of new mural from 80 St Paul

The artist Conor Harrington is Irish, currently living in London. He strongly opposes authoritarian government. You will note that the faces are “defaced” It was interesting because in his “cartoon” they were clearly delineated so he could actively deface them. 

This is an interesting and colorful image to have out our window and we have moved our seating so instead of having our backs to the mural while eating breakfast we will look out on the wall. 

In other news, there isn’t much. Josh and Rohma called to come over for a nightcap on Wednesday and  we had a lovely chat while enjoying Josh’s concoction of  Margaritas. I did sleep well. Carol finally got to go to Eastman Sings and join in the chorale performance of Mozart’s Requiem, these  sings have been a regular event for many years, before covid, and she always enjoys the chance to sing out. I have been solving Wordle most mornings just to wake up the brain. There has been one Bridge  and may be another this week before we leave for Iceland.

I should be able to blog from Iceland as we are promised WiFi in every hotel. We fly out of Rochester on Saturday morning and hope to arrive in Iceland early Sunday morning. We’ve been reading books about Iceland and watched at least one movie about surfing there, it had my teeth chattering. 

While we were in Griffis Sculpture Park as I mentioned Josh made a couple of flights with his drone. That blurry red device is the drone having just passed through the opening in the sculpture. Nice flying, Josh

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