Later Post – Wrapping up – Two

I am sitting in the apartment living room. This was another uneventful drive, one fuel stop and into our storage lot. The spaces are tight. Eleven feet in width is a whole lot less than 12 feet or even eleven feet six inches. The coach is eight feet six inches wide. I’ll let you calculate the excess space, it is tight. I can barely open a bay door to turn off the chassis batteries. We rented here in the past but I forgot – well enough about that.

Unloading the coach and moving the unloaded stuff into the apartment was time consuming and frustrating. We are prone to loosing things from time to time, but a pound of ground beef? Yup someplace in the coach, the car or the apartment there is a one pound package of ground beef slowly decomposing – gross! We returned to the coach after a period of unpacking and storing to pick up some items forgotten in the rush, jewelry, shoes, spices, this aging thing is really getting annoying. Dinner at Panera solved the food problem and gave us a moment to slow down and not have to work in the kitchen, which is buried in stuff needing to find a home. 

Oh yes, the batteries in our remotes have all failed over the lengthy absence.