A Birthday Weekend

The second day of travel was again uneventful and we arrived at Malena and Dan’s late afternoon to set up for the next ten days. Well nothing can be totally uneventful, and you would hardly expect us to have everything work perfectly. So the 50 amp power box Dan had installed a year ago, which worked fine then, would not provide 50 amp power for the coach. After some monkeying around, diagnostics and attempts to fix really, we gave up and I plugged into the 20 amp receptacle which works just fine. Go figure. Today I picked up a replacement 50 amp circuit breaker and we will find out if that solves the problem.

I have been out wandering with the horses when Malena and Dan are working with them. We have walked the perimeter of the property and we have sat and talked and eaten and talked. Today is a work day so we have been pretty much on our own. I have caught up on some chores, replacing a broken valve handle and relaxing. 

Yesterday was Birthday Day. Corey was borne on the 16th, but he was working serving donuts and coffee at a wedding so his celebration was yesterday along with mine. He is 19  and I am not yet 80. We had some excellent gin and oysters and magnificent  steaks. I had best not forget the roasted potatoes with garlic. We sat around and talked until we couldn’t keep our eyes open and called it a night. 

There is little planned for the balance of the week. We will have lunch with Bill Freedman, a classmate from 23 school and Monroe High tomorrow. Some of us will take a walk on the Blue Ridge. At some point I expect to get up on Galopin for a walk around the paddock. I haven’t been on a horse since our trip to the Pantanal in October 2001 – that was an interesting time to be traveling out of the US. Here is the blog post from that trip.   I couldn’t sit down for two days after that long ride. 

More soon.

One thought on “A Birthday Weekend”

  1. First off – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are so blessed to be on the farm with Malena & Dan. I admire all the relatives and friends you have on your journeys and how you keep in touch so well! I would give almost anything to be able to be on one of those horses walking around the paddock. I have always loved horseback riding (not fast – walking and slow trot), and I can relate to that “after the ride effect”, but it was always my legs were weak, my butt is well padded and I could sit, just walking was a little wobbly for an hour or so. God Bless you and Carol as you bring joy to so many!!! I send my love – Darlene

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