A Political Response

I am horrified by the actions of the my state of domicile, Texas. 

Voting Restriction Laws that attempt to lock in the Republican majority in the legislature even though or because the state is drifting towards a more balanced division.

Open carry of guns without permits by anyone not a felon.

Restriction of abortion to 6 weeks and enforcement by ANY citizen against anyone who aids and abets an “illegal” abortion. The activists can now also be the enforcers. Even a frivolous suit must be defended. I suggest that supporters of women’s rights start bring such suits against the legislators who voted for the bill and against the primary antagonists of women’s rights. Failure to defend is an automatic loss with fine of $10,000 and court costs. BREAK THEM.

I doubt there is any way to force change on the gun and voting issues without overturning the legislature and governor in the next election.

4 thoughts on “A Political Response”

  1. You’re not a Texan. Not really. You’re a Rochesterian. It’s a dreadful situation – everything that’s wrong wrong wrong with our country in so many ways.

    1. Actually, by the free right of EVERY American other than minors and inmates, he IS no less a Texan than every other American citizen in the Lone Star State.

      His place of birth or past residence is of NO consequence, as I suspect you know.

      We do, you know have an obligation to look out for each other when our rights or safety or health are IN ANY WAY IMPERILED by official act or otherwise.

      In spite of King Tall Paul being fully capable of taking care of himself on the Range—glad you’re in his corner!

      1. While I certainly do claim Texas Domicile, I have not chosen to call myself a Texan. Nor a Californian nor a New Yorker. As a fulltime RVer I prefer to think of myself as an American!

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