Preparing to Travel, Again

The reason for our return to jojoba Hills was a call Carol had with a doctor, strongly suggesting she return for a test. It has been done and nothing was found so we are heading back out to play. Joy and happiness here! 

It looks like a replay with a preliminary stop at Redlands Truck and RV to be sure our new brake system for the Jeep is working as designed. Then because Anna Lee and Jerry had to return to Sacramento early, we plan to visit with them after all and maybe even seen niece Minda and family as well. Then the crystal ball is blank. We do not have a distinct plan other than Escapade in WY in late July. 

I suspect we will know what we have done when I post it here. We have done this in the past, but I can’t remember the last time we just took off with no firm plan, or even a semblance of an idea of a plan. With all the warnings about over crowded campgrounds it could be interesting. We will stay away from most major destinations and out of the Pacific North West (PNW) since the combination of drought and overcrowding are not enticing.

5 thoughts on “Preparing to Travel, Again”

  1. So glad all went well for Carol..
    We are in Oregon…haven’t found overcrowding..even stayed beachfront in Brookings with one day notice….we’re here until after Father’s Day…then, like you, we’ll wander, looking for someplace new. Stay in touch.. hope to see you down the road!

  2. I’m so glad Carol is OK. She has had so much trouble this year!
    God Bless both of you with safe traveling and enjoy your unplanned trip! Sometimes, these are the best – and you find so many interesting things. You are in our prayers as you travel and we send our love – Darlene & Dave

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