Progress Report

I am sitting with Carol in STICU (Surgical Trauma ICU) waiting for transfer to “Step Down Unit” This is good news as she is stabilized and healing. This is her third day in this unit. She has a brace for her back and the rest of the injuries supposedly will heal without any intervention, just time.

She has her phone with her now. Please continue to call me before calling her as she is resting a lot and the staff are around much of the time working with her. 

There is not much more to tell. I am splitting my time between the hospital and trying to keep up with the chores on the motorhome, oh yes and taking care of myself as well. This blog has dropped in my priority list a bit. I will try to be a bit more diligent going forward.  

Don’t hesitate to email or call.

She just said I should say she is smiling 🙂 indeed her sunny side shows through even as she is lying in the hospital bed. She hasn’t checked her email yet, I’m sure as soon as she can you will hear from her directly.

31 thoughts on “Progress Report”

  1. Oh Carol! You are a real trooper! Sending you healing vibes, and prayers…get well, and feel better soon! JoAnne

  2. Bobbi and I wish you both well. Please say hi to Carol with the hope that she recovers soon.

  3. I am thinking of you, Paul and Carol, and wishing for the best healing outcome for Carol. Regards. Sarah

  4. Mi Shebeirach avoteinu v’imoteinu,
    Avraham, Yitzchak v’Yaakov, Sarah, Rivkah,
    Rachel v’Lei-ah, hu y’vareich et hacholim
    [names]. HaKadosh Baruch Hu yimalei
    rachamim aleihem, l’hachalimam ul’rapotam
    ul’hachazikam, v’yishlach lahem m’heirah
    r’fuah, r’fuah shleimah min hashamayim,
    r’fuat hanefesh ur’fuat haguf, hashta
    baagala uviz’man kariv. V’nomar: Amen.

    rfuah shleimah Carol!

    Shelley & Norm. ❤️

  5. R’fuah Shleimah. Carol! The short version, sweet version of Shelley’s prayer for health, healing and wholeness. You too, Paul. Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other. And thank you for keeping us informed and up to date. It’s your usual menschy self coming through.

  6. I just came across this message as I scrolled through Facebook. So sorry to read of Carol’s accident. Hoping your faith and optimism will get you through this set back. Give Carol a gentle hug from us…and take care of yourself, too.

  7. We all said a prayer for Carol (and strength for you) as we lit the candles last night. Some of the family was with us and some remote for our Family Shabbat zoom.

  8. I don’t know what happened as I must have missed a segment. I take it Carol either fell or had some accident. I am so sorry and indeed hope she improves quickly. Yes, Paul, you have to take care of yourself also.

  9. I’m so sorry to hear this but thankful she is ok.
    We are praying for speedy recovery!
    Love you

  10. Dear Carol, I do hope you heal quickly! I kinda know you will with your great attitude and your loving hubby by your side.

  11. Healing prayers and blessings, Carol! (Please tell your bright and indomitable spirit that physical bodies are made of less sturdy stuff, so stop with the falling down routine!!) Glad you’re taking care of yourself, too, Paul. Love to you both, Pete and Frederika

    1. OMG!😳Mitchell and I are SO sorry. Please tell Carol to do whatever they say In the hospital and hopefully get out of there ASAP. We know that hospitals are not fun places because Mitchell just came home from the hospital where he spent a week. I know first hand that it is exhausting. Please take care of yourself!
      Donna and Mitch

  12. All the best, Carol. Looking forward to seeing “you” on the High Holidays!
    Much Love,
    Susan & Jon

  13. Please give Carol our love and prayers for fast healing and full recovery. We believe Carol only has a bright side. Love to both of you. Terry and David

  14. Carol, so sorry to hear of your fall. Good to hear you’re on the mend. Looking forward to your return to Jojoba. You and Paul are missed.

  15. Sending a very gentle but warm hug, Carol. Your inner strength still shines, especially through adversity. Of course it does. And with Paul championing you and your recovery, team Carol and Paul surely have got this! Another very gentle hug from David and me.

  16. So sorry to hear the news about Carol. She doesn’t let anything get her down for too long; hoping for a full recovery. Thanks, Paul for sharing with us. Take good care! June

  17. Oh Carol….healing prayers for sure!!! Last time I could visit you…wish I could this time. Shelle

  18. Oh Carol!!!! Big healing prayers and gentle healing thoughts. Last time I could visit you, wish I could this time. Shelle

  19. I am so sorry to hear about your accident, Carol, and wish you a speedy and complete recovery. My sympathies both to you and to Paul, who is without a doubt missing your helpful hands and joyous smile while he’s working on the mobile home.

  20. Carol and Paul
    I am sending my blessings, love and wishes for a full and speedy recovery. On its way, too, is a virtual hug.

  21. Hi Carol- sooo very sorry but I know you will miraculously recover and be good as new !! Give yourself time to heal and know so many of your friends and love ones have u in their prayers!
    Love and warmest wishes for healing!
    Hugs, cous Ellie

  22. Carol, our thoughts are with you and we’re also sending a whole lotta virtual HUGS to you.

  23. Like some of the others I am bewildered. Obviously Carol’s bones aren’t doing well, she had some trauma and survived. I can only say hoorah! May the force be with her. And you. Love to you both,

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