A Jumble

That is about where my head is, so here is a bit of this and a bit of that.

I seem to have stopped writing as we left Egypt. To recap, it was a fantastic trip. We saw what one would expect and hope to see when dreaming about Egypt. We also saw and experienced much more than the “normal” sites one goes to Egypt to see. We experienced so many modes of transport, from camel back to tuktuk to pickup truck and a variety of boats that we had disagreements about how many modes we experienced. The count got about 10 easily. We met people from large cities, Cairo, and small villages along the Nile. We had meals in private homes and in grand restaurants. The most consistent and only complaint was too much food at every meal and the flavors were so interesting we mostly couldn’t pass on a course. If you are thinking of going to Egypt call Overseas Adventure Travel and book now, 2020 is filling if not full. If you go in September as we did expect to be HOT.

We paused overnight in NYC on our return to have dinner with the Ornati branch of our family at Lee and Alice’s place in Williamsburg. We had a delightful evening, brushing off jet lag and sitting around a glorious meal and catching up from too many years between visits. Thank you to Molly, Susan, Lee and Alice for taking the time and to Lee and Alice for preparing a wonderful meal. we will try to make the gap between visits shorter. 

In Rochester we have been catching up with friends and family and conquering the remains of jet lag. We arrived two days before Rosh HaShana and Carol managed to pull together a meal before services for six of us. We have also been doctoring, mostly in preparation for leaving Rochester for the indeterminate future. Our current extended plan is to drive to Alaska one more time next summer. We have made this plan before without accomplishing it so stay tuned.

Saturday was an insane day. Carol found a listing for a free chamber concert at Hatch Auditorium at 11 AM that was too good to pass up. After lunch we stopped at RoCo (Rochester Contemporary Art) to see the current show, especially the work of Michael Goldman, son of our friends Roz and John.  Following some errands we were driving by GEVA Theater and noted that LaCage aux Follie was on stage. We had no plans so I called and got two tickets for the performance that night. It is a brilliant performance of a wonderful fun musical. 

Plans; following Yom Kippur we will prepare GeeWhiz for travel to Jojoba Hills SKP Resort in Temecula CA departing on Sunday. We already have the first two stops planned. We will head out to Pittsburgh first to see Cynthia and Jay, friends from Carol’s VSW days. Then on to Columbus OH to spend some time with my Brown roommate Lee and his wife Tinya. The plan looses form at that point but we know that Livingston TX, Las Cruces NM and Flagstaff AZ are on the list as of now.  Timing for anything west of Livingston is open. 

Watch this space for more information. If you are anywhere along the route (250 mile deviations are within reason) let us know and we may be able to arrange a visit.

One thought on “A Jumble”

  1. Hello Paul and Carol,

    I followed your link from the Torah study email, and so glad I did. Enjoy safe traveling and keep posting!

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