We ventured from the high ground of Leadville and Buena Vista CO to the relative low altitude of Cheyenne WY (6,000 feet) where we spent 4 days at AB Camp Ground and did a daily trip to see the town. We added another state capitol to our list and really enjoyed the tour. The best museum was the Cow Girl Museum. It seemed like a small store front, but there was so much there that we had to tear ourselves away after 2 hours.
We finally set out for Rock Springs and the Escapade. This is a gathering of Escapees members which has of course been put off for a year. Attendance was limited because in the preparations no one knew what kind of requirements for distancing might be required. As it was over 700 units were there and I think Carol and I got to talk to well over half of the attendees. It is a great joy to be in a gathering of people who share a major lifestyle in common. Even if we all do it our own way. Carol and I worked with the other Jojobians to pull together a presence on “The Row” an area set aside for Escapees organizations to present themselves to the membership and maybe entice them to join. It is the biggest sales event we have. During the days it was HOT and even windy. The evenings did cool off some and it was dry.
After the Escapade we arranged to visit cousin Mimi in Madison WI. The only place to stay is a lovely county park and I was able to book 2 nights there when Mimi has time to get together. since making that plan we have been trekking 4 hours a day. This is our new limit to keep us fresh and safe. I have really been working our multiple camping resources to find places to stop. As I am writing we are in a Boondockers Welcome location. In this instance a local business in Raymond IA that has some land near the parking lot that is relatively level and on the other side of the building from the train tracks. They offer yet another way of camping. Here is a link to their website
We finally got to lower altitude, 2,000 feet, in Nebraska and we will continue to lose altitude as we head further East.
We also stayed in a way overpriced KOA that was only 60 from Cheyenne and the Rodeo that was happening there and using daysenddirectory.com we located a small town fairground that had a campground in Pottawattamie County IA. When we leave Madison we are looking at no less than 3 nights on the road before parking the coach in Victor NY for a couple of months. I have no idea where we will land, but I do want a full hookup campground for our last night to clear the holding tanks and do some other cleaning.