Category Archives: Paul Goldberg Blog

We Drove Where?

From Google Maps History 2021 travels. Many years ago Carol’s late brother asked for maps of our travels. At the time it was a nontrivial ask. Today Google Maps makes it almost too easy. If you think about our desire to stay warm it becomes clear that the northern route was late Spring into Summer and the Southern route was in the Fall. 

First stop West bound was Dyke Virginia where Dan and family now live on their large farm (15 acres) with space for their two horses. The moochdock space for us is a straight pull in (which results in an extended back out). From there we headed south to Charlotte for a reunion of friends and time with the Rainwaters, who have since begun to relocate to Asheville.

We got in a bit of a hurry leaving Charlotte NC after a week long delay for mechanical stuff. We skipped Louisiana altogether. We made four stops in Texas although only three show. Texas is that big and we needed some time in Livingston to pick up the mail and get the coach inspected. Then on to New Mexico to visit Leora and Stuart in Las Cruces and then to Erica in Albuquerque. This resulted in backtracking south on I 25 to get to Quartzite where we hung out in Hi Jolly camping area to limit our total time for the year in California to less than 180 days. We returned to Jojoba Hills SKP Resort on December 4 and finished 2021 there. We have enough diesel to make it out of California before we need fuel.

The eastbound trip had a hiccup or two. The first stop was Redlands Truck and RV to service the coach and set up the tow for our new Jeep. From there we made it to Albuquerque to meet Erica who flew in to scope out the town as a place to move to. A doctor suggested we return to Jojoba HIlls so Carol could have yet another test and so we did. When the results came back we were released to continue on. We returned to Redlands since the new brake system for the Jeep did not seem to be functioning as expected. They jumped on it the minute we arrived and determined that one of the parts they had installed had failed and they replaced it under warranty, total time was two hours! We stayed the night in their campground spending time with two other Jojobian couples who were there. 

As we ventured north and east we had wonderful experiences along US 50 headed to Lake Tahoe. It appears that most of the places we stayed and visited have been reduced to ashes. 

Colorado was the big draw for the next section of the trip as we visited Elly and Kelly from our trip to Thailand and Vietnam in 2013 and then moved on to Escapade in Rock Springs Wyoming. Heading north toward Nebraska we finally returned to elevations where there is more air to breath. Our next destination became Madison Wisconsin for a visit with cousin Mimi and finally a reprise of US 20 through Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We gave up on US 20 in Buffalo as it was very local and very high traffic.

The map also shows a jaunt into Canada. We left the coach in storage and took the Jeep to Hamilton to visit Carol’s Aunt Dorothy, now 98 years old, and cousin Marilyn. Then to Toronto where we stayed with the Starkman’s and made a condolence call to Harvey’s younger brother Michael whose wife Stacy died recently. That was a tough visit. They are the youngest in their generation of the family. 

Back to Rochester and back on the endless, so far, cycle of time on the East Coast and then on the West coast with extended drives in between. 

Our travel plans for 2022 include Boston for a Bat Mitzvah, Jazz Fest in Rochester and Sicily in August. That trip has now been postponed twice.

Lost and Found

You might think that after living in large homes (4,000 sq feet) and down sizing in a couple of steps to 300 square feet in a motorhome we would have far less space to lose things. To make it even less likely we have put up hooks for keys and most things have a regular storage place. However Carol does change things up from time to time just to get my attention. But I digress.

As our niece Erica pointed out, the new Jeep is a wonderful collector of lost objects which fall down between the seats and lodge under the passenger seat where they can only be found while sitting in the passenger side rear seat. So now when things go missing and they might be in the car, I get into the passenger side rear seat to see if they have found their way there. 

On the motorhome small items seem to slide out of my pocket and find their way into the mechanism of the sofa bed. I always hope they stay on  top of the foldout mattress saving me from having to open the bed. Two days ago my pocket knife found its way there. Fortunately, after a cursory look in the places it was supposed to be, there are more than 2, I decided to check the sofa and there it was, whew!

Today presented another test of, well lets just say something got lost that should not have gotten lost and even worse, it wasn’t. I’ll unravel that now. But first, last year we had only one key for the padlock for our shed. I made it a point to always leave the key in the padlock in a particular place when the shed is unlocked. At some point I managed to violate that simple principal and lock the key into the shed. A helpful park member came over with a hand held cutter and proved just how little value that lock was by slicing it open in a couple of minutes, which included getting the cutter out of its box and mounting the battery. 

I went to town and bought a new lock, actually the same worthless lock. After all, I’m only trying to out honest people and direct any thieves to a shed with a less formidable latch and lock. As expected this lock came with two keys so we are far less likely to lock both in the shed.

At some point today I went to get one of the keys to check on something in the shed. Neither was there! I went to the shed and found it unlocked and there was a key in the padlock on the shelf where it belongs. Where was the other key? Carol and I took all the keys off the key rack and looked on the floor and in the crevices during which search I turned up a key I didn’t know was missing. I then searched pants pockets and the sofa under the cushions. No key. I remembered seeing a key ring, not related to the missing key, in the car and went to get it, also checking under the passenger seat from the rear passenger side seat, just in case. I brought the key ring into the coach to put it on the rack where it belongs and there was the missing key, hanging on the rack right where it belongs. GeeWiz has a poltergeist and that is my story and I’m sticking with it. Carol is disagreeing with me. She says it was Harvey the Rabbit.

Onward into the Future

Okay, so the title is a bit pompous. It’s after 10 PM and I shouldn’t be starting this now but I am and I will likely not finish before tomorrow. 

We ended 2021 with a bang and I hope not a super spreader event. We gathered about 150 of our masked and vaccinated members in Friendship Hall for an incredible dinner and great dancing until midnight – New York time that is. So many of us volunteered in the serving that it would be best to say the community did the work. Our team of volunteer retired professional chefs and their helpers prepared a meal of salmon, beef, potatoes and asparagus that was pleasing to the eye and the palate and the veggie offering was also excellent. 

The band started as the main meal service ended and Carol and I were on the dance floor for most of the numbers.

Things did get a bit silly when Georgia requested the Bunny Hop and many of us dug into childhood memories and joined in. 

We slept in and then after weekly chores tried to decide what to do with this unplanned day with gorgeous sun and a heat wave, temps were headed into the mid 50s. Are we really in southern California? We decided to take a ride. Do we turn left or right, North or South? There are some roads off of CA 79 that we have not explored, so we decided to see what we could see. An abandoned Buddhist Retreat Center for one, camels in a farm yard for another. We didn’t take pictures of either since the grounds of the retreat center were fenced off and the camels were behind a high chain link fence. 

Eventually we found our way to Borrego Springs where there was a musical event in the Christmas Circle – that’s a place not an event.  We couldn’t stay long because the singer was so off pitch it was painful. We swung by a couple of our favorite boondock places just to see  if they were occupied and I turned the wheel over to Carol for the return. 

This evening I finished reading “Israel a Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth” by Noa Tishby. She spoke at a Jewish Federation event in Rochester and they kindly sent me the book. I would like to have everyone I know read it! Other than her own story I did not learn anything I haven’t known for many years. I take that back. I did not know how the BDS movement was funded. Instead of  many small contributions it is funded from a large Arab organization in the US . It derives its ideas from the Arab Boycott of Israel that predates the creation of the state by the UN in 1947. 

Back to the super spreader New Years Eve party. It is happening. After 2 years of very few cases in the park, we are aware of several cases among our staff and a growing number among our members. All large gatherings have gone back to Zoom for the time being. Neither Carol nor I are showing any symptoms and to the best of our knowledge our table was not among the source of the infections.

In Jojoba Hills SKP Resort

I see I left my “story” in Tucson 3 weeks ago. The remaining drive to Jojoba Hills was uneventful arriving with a full tank of propane and 3/4 tank of diesel fuel and likely to remain so for the next few months. 

With me on the ground providing guidance and Carol at the wheel we backed the coach into place in a single smooth move. It took us a few years to actually figure out the best way to do that. There is an allowance of about 6 inches for easily spotting the coach. Opening the door stops about an inch short of hitting the front column of our awning, as planned.

Enough about trivia. I’ve been working with the Finance Committee on getting the budget prepared for the coming year. It will be presented for approval at the annual meeting where I will be elected to the board of directors for a three year sentence. . . er term. Given my long term activity on the Finance Committee I, expect to be asked to serve as Treasurer. Something to keep me away from the Bridge Table. Our budget is over $1,000,000 with a substantial Reserve Fund so the responsibility is not trivial. Fortunately the Finance Committee does the bulk of the grunt work with the numbers. 

Carol has opened her mouth a couple of times about the condition of one of our public spaces. I will leave it up to her to tell the gory details, but this job makes the work on the Boondock bathhouse look like practice for the big time.  At least she will stop pestering me about what she will do for volunteering. At the moment she is in the Mailroom helping to distribute the incoming mail into our mail boxes. This is no minor job 2 days before Christmas. 

We have no travel planned as of now unless you count our trip to Sicily which has now been pushed out to August. There are friends to visit in Palm Springs area, a relatively short drive away and lots to do in the area. I went to the card room and there were no other Bridge players present. It is chill and raining and many are out of the park for the holiday. 

Tomorrow we are going into town with friends for Chinese food. They’re not even Jewish and I am not sure they get the significance. For a long version of the story read this with acknowledgment to my brother-in-law David Coen who sent it on to me.

Fuel Costs and Other Thoughts

We are in Tucson AZ and will be here for 4 days visiting friends who used to live in Jojoba Hills and doing some touring in places we have been before.

So far this year we have driven just over 10,800 miles in the coach and I have bought 1308.05 gallons of diesel fuel for $4,124.61. The average price per gallon was $3.15. I have not bothered to note the actual price per gallon for each purchase,  but the information is readily available since I have purchased all of my diesel through a trucker discount program (TSD) which provides a record of pump price, discount, fees and net price paid.  The average MPG is 8.28.

As I was looking at my next two fuel stops I see $3.90 in Arizona and $4.70 if I should need to purchase fuel in California. These are trucker’s discount prices at major truck stops. Question I am asking myself. Do I plan on filling the tank before parking for 5 months in California or do I go in half empty in hopes that diesel prices will not continue to escalate? It is reputed to be better for the fuel to store the tank full. The tank holds 100 gallons of fuel. 

Although campground prices have escalated as well, the cause is different and the impact is less. HoweverweI have spent over $5,000 on campsites  About $26 per night including no cost nights spent moochdocking  boondocking or staying at Harvest Hosts sites – I have not counted the cost of goods purchased at those sites as camping costs. I would have bought wine anyhow. There were several sites that cost over $100 per night! Location, Location etc.

If you add modifications purchased and maintenance performed the cost of this life style really does mount up. This is not a complaint, the cost of maintaining a fixed home is also rising and even though the value is rising, a replacement home is also rising. Given the shortage of parts and workers, the value of our “depreciating asset” has risen also, should I choose to consider that as an offset. If you care to know, I paid about $250K for the coach in May of 2012 and the Bluebook today is about $140K.

These numbers are among the most common questions I get when I meet RV wannabees, especially those who think it is a less costly life style than renting or owning a house.  Also the curious are interested in the costs. Clearly our choices including the kind of RV and where we stay and how much we move impact those costs. 

I have been tracking these numbers since our first trip in the summer of 2001 in Goliath. They are all on separate sheets in a single spreadsheet workbook. I am not generally OCD and I even stopped photographing every site we camped on many years ago. Somehow tracking these numbers satisfies my need to track something. 

I hope you haven’t been bored if you even read this far.

New Mexico

The trip across Texas was uneventful. We stayed overnight in Oasis RV in Van Horn.  It provided what we needed, full hookups and a safe spot off the road, well just barely off the road. Having fueled before the stop we were able to get on the road with a minimum of hassle and continue on to Las Cruces.

We were set up in Siesta RV, site 13 (as usual), by 11:30 AM and had time to get to the concert at Good Samaritan Social Center where Amalia and the Camerata were performing. It was a delightful chamber music concert that concluded with three songs sung by Amalia accompanied by guitar.  We were enthralled and so pleased to be with Amalia and her parents Leora and Stuart the next night for dinner. It was a delightful stay in in Las Cruces.

Tuesday, as planned, We drove the 4 hours to Albuquerque to see Erica as time allowed. This included dinner on board and breakfast on Wednesday morning in town at Hannah & Nates before we set off for Meow Wolf.  Before I even consider describing it you might want to check out the web site. If exiting from a Victorian House through the refrigerator or the fireplace into another universe doesn’t tickle your fancy skip it. We spent well over an hour exploring the site and never got into the actual script that it flows around. We enjoyed it a lot. 

We did see an acknowledgement of Chanukah in the Plaza in Santa Fe:

As I write it is Thanksgiving Day, turkey and football games are not on the list. We did go to see Dune at a local theater. So much has been written that I am not sure I can add much. It really, really needs the big screen. Everything is large, huge even. The sand worm’s mouth swallows the entire screen. We went to a noon screening and the theater was lightly attended as you might imagine for such an early show on Thanksgiving Day. 

It is now Friday. We froze the water hose last night but there was plenty in the tank and the sun came out and everything is thawed.  Since we are leaving in the morning I will take the hose in tonight just in case. 

Only Sort of a Plan

Haven’t had much time to write for the past ten days. Also haven’t had much exciting to write about. Since we left Red Bay we have been moving along at a steady pace westward with a three night pause at Rainbow’s End in Livingston Texas. There we picked up the mail and got GeeWhiz inspected. The lights all work. 

We had a marvelous night at a Boondockers Welcome site in Mississippi. The place is a 10 acre pine forest with a space carved out of the middle for a homestead centered around the hosts’ motorhome. We were surprised to be offered full hookups (water electric, sewer) . Getting there was half the fun. The notes indicated the GPS probably would be wrong and provided directions which we failed to follow properly. On our second pass I trusted the GPS and it brought us right there.  It is always fun to wander lost on twisty 2 lane roads with the coach and tow’d. We had a lovely couple of hours chatting.

Coming out of Livingston we pulled into San Antonio KOA fairly early and decided it would be great to have a meal on the RiverWalk. Thinking about the traffic and parking and really wanting to have a drink, we decided not to unhook the car and got a Lyft to take us into the RiverWalk and then later to bring us back to the coach. Much more relaxing than dealing with rush hour traffic and parking. We ate at Yard House which is a loud bar with over 100 beers on tap. My Ahi Tuna was a delight as was Carol’s Kale and Brussels Salad. (the Brussels sprouts were in short supply) 

This morning we woke up with a sort of a plan. We were determined to travel west on US 90 rather than I 10. We planned to drive 4 to5 hours which would bring us to Sanderson TX. You could look it up, but it is a fly spec on US 90. There is an RV park there, but we elected to stop short of the town in a Picnic Area that we have stopped at once before. As we pulled in we noted another RV we had been following had also pulled in. After setting up we met Bob and his Umbrella Cockatoo, Glacier (it is pure white). They are traveling on their own with not too much of a plan.  Carol shared a photo of the bird on FaceBook.

Tomorrow I know we will pass through Van Horn Texas and fill the fuel tank with many gallons of diesel at some obnoxious price which will be reduced by our trucker’s discount card to $3.50 and will prepare us for Arizona and then California prices. 

Carol and I continue to spend time talking about what rig is next. The idea of the fifth wheel (a kind of trailer for those who haven’t asked yet) is fading into the background as they all have internal staircases.

A freight train is pulling past our parking spot as I am typing. Between the trains and the trucks on the highway it will not be the quietest night of the year.

Red Bay AL

I chipped a molar on the way here. It was Thursday. Calls to dentists within a 50 mile range were fruitless. They were booked and all were closed on Friday. My tongue was busy exploring the raw edge of the chip and making me just a bit nuts. I gave up until Monday. 

We spent the next few days with a shopping trip to Fulton Walmart. The closest real grocery with beer. Have I mentioned that Red Bay is in a dry county? We wandered around the campground meeting many of the other Tiffin owners who were waiting for their turn for service. Some like us had actual appointments with vendors and others were waiting for a call from the service center to have repairs performed. That part is all first come first serve with modifications too complex to explain here. 

Monday morning at 7 AM we pulled into Trevor Nichols Custom RV where Micky was waiting to take our interior apart so she could install new carpeting. In your house when you install new carpeting the workers start by removing the furniture. In the motorhome Micky did the same thing, however our furniture is bolted to the floor and it is not  a simple matter to slide it out of the way. Also the bed is a fairly complex structure bolted down with many bolts in unlikely places. She calmly unbolted and moved the pieces in a thoroughly organized manner ripping out not only the original carpeting but the later installed carpet which had been installed, badly several years ago. 

While  this was underway I called the first dentist on my list and soon had an appointment to be seen by Dr Nix at 11 AM. By 11:15 the sharp edges were eased and I was ready to travel on to my next dentist appointment in mid December in Temecula.

By  1:30 the entire installation was complete and the interior cleaned up and all that was left after paying was to drive 2 miles to the campground and put away everything that had come out of storage places throughout the coach.

Today, Tuesday, we drove to the Vanleigh RV factory in Burnside MS to tour the factory and look at some of their fifth wheels. GeeWhiz is not going away, we are thinking of planting a fifth wheel on our site to provide more living space while in Jojoba Hills. If this happens it will be a long time coming as we would need to decide what we want, order it and wait many months while planning and executing modifications to our site to make it happen.

In the midst of all these happenings I had a loss of sanity and filed my application to run for the Jojoba Hills Board of Directors. I was encouraged to run by a friend (?)  who had the chutzpah to call me to tell me to run without being willing to do so himself.  He’ll pay! 🙂  

Cummins to Red Bay

We hung around in Charlotte area waiting for our appointment at Cummins to see what was wrong with the engine and to get it fixed. We were able to pick up 2 additional nights at McDowell Nature Preserve. This is a park I will gladly return to even if it does lack on site sewer connection. I was able to get a site for 4 more nights at Crowne Cove RV Park, a commercial park that was only 2.5 times the price of the county park. With our appointment for 8 AM  Tuesday at Cummins we decided to move over on Monday afternoon so we would not have to face Charlotte rush hour. They had room and 30 amp electric for us. 

Good news, bad news. At 10 AM they took the coach into the service area and by 2 PM they had it back in the parking area all ready to go. The bad news was that the problem was operator failure. I thought that as long as the coolant was above the minimum line I had plenty of coolant. Wrong! It wants to be almost to the maximum line so that accelerating uphill does not expose the coolant level sensor. Lousy design I’d say, lesson learned after 9 years of ownership.

More good news. Monday night we were able to go to dinner at 300 East Blvd with Leigh and Patrick. It was lovely and we had a good time getting in one more evening with them. Tuesday afternoon we were planning to meet Terry and David for dinner, again, since they were returning to Charlotte for a day or two.  As we made plans to do some shopping, the big black beast that they drive pulled in across from the coach. They joined us on the coach for continued conversation until dinner time when we drove separately to Living Kitchen, a vegan restaurant. To his surprise David found the food to be satisfying and well flavored. From my point of view it confirmed my opinion that Vegan restaurants are fine choices for dining. 

The big surprise at dinner was when we asked for the bill. At couple sitting a few tables from us had witnessed our happy party and our sharing  “Happy Birthday” for Carol when the waitress brought out a carrot humus dish with a candle in it. They paid our bill and left before we knew.  A wonderful random act of kindness. 

With farewells  at the door we returned to the coach and departed Cummins the next morning to an uneventful drive to a stopover at a Jellystone RV park which will get a mediocre review only because how unlevel the site was. The next day, Thursday, found us arriving in Red Bay after yet another uneventful drive. We will be here for 7 to 10 days before moving on. The route from here is still in the thinking stage, we have time. 

In the mean time I have a chipped tooth that I hope to have addressed next week – every dentist in the area has taken Friday through Sunday off. I’ll live.


A little history, this may be a repeat for some of you. David Lovenheim arrived in Rochester NY at #23 School in fifth grade. Carol and I were in that class. This was  1952.  David and I continued through high school together and on to Brown University. At Brown we met David London and eventually his wife Toby, Pembroke College. I’ll be a bit rude now and use last names to keep things clear. Lovenheim and I have been in sporadic contact ever since. More recently much more continuous as the Lovenheims, Londons and Goldbergs have had a weekly zoom gathering since early in the pandemic. Last year Lovenheim became ill, not with covid 19, and we became anxious to move from virtual to in person at least for a weekend. He is recovering well. His wife, Terry, helped us make this come true. We planned our westward travel to arrive in Charlotte NC and the Londons agreed to travel there from Providence RI and The Lovenheims came in from their temporary home in Myrtle Beach. 

We dined together Sunday, we spent a day in our campsite in McDowell Nature Reserve and a day on a pontoon boat in Lake Norman. We ended that day and said our goodbyes at the Embassy Suites where the Londons had a room.  

Here are some pictures that Toby and I took I’ll add more as I receive them.

It was a great reunion and we hope to see each other again someplace, some time, sooner rather than later.

In the mean time I am in a Goodyear Tire with a slow leak on a tire on the Jeep. We are also waiting for an appointment with a Cummins dealer in Charlotte to find out why the engine has quit on us at speed on the interstate. Losing power steering when the engine quits on the motorhome at 60 mph is frightening. I have spent some time rescheduling everything that was planned for the next two weeks to accommodate the delay which is still unknown until they can connect to the onboard computers for diagnoses, which will happen on Carol’s birthday next Tuesday.

This is enough for one blog.