Category Archives: Paul Goldberg Blog

Day 3 First Day – addendum

I was so tired when I wrote last night I left out some interesting details. 

The Opera was sung in the original Italian and there were superscipts to help those who did not know the libretto,  in Ukrainian.  Not being Opera buffs, I had looked up the plot summary before going.  Good thing,  otherwise we might have been very lost.

We had no time for dinner as the curtain was at 7! We stopped at a mini mart across from the hotel and bought crackers and enough cheese to satisfy us.  We ate these on padded velvet benches in the cloak room before going to our seats.  The audience ranged in age from very young to some elderly with what seemed to be all ages in between.  Also the economic spread seemed quite broad as well judging by the variety of dress we saw.

One of the buildings we saw is Chimera House.  It is built on the side of a cliff with the back being 5 stories and the front only 3.  The roof line and facades are detailed with fantastical creatures out of cement.  It is really visible from a long way off and directly across the street from the Presidential Palace.

Day 3 First Day

Just to set the record straight,  Days 1 & 2 were travel and arrival days not much touring, just a short walk to dinner.  So Day 3 is indeed the first real touring day.   We walked up and down Kiev’s hills for 6 hours in chill winds.  We walked by the Golden Gate of Kiev,  Sofia Church,  St Michaels and St Andrews Church at the top of St Andrews Decent, a 750 meter road with a 10% grade.  At the bottom was a lovely Ukrainian Lunch including hot borscht and other vegetarian delicacies.  Speaking of food the Premier Hotel breakfast is in a class with fine Israeli breakfasts.

During the day we learned that the opera Norma was playing at the Opera House 7 minutes walk from the hotel. We could no resist the temptation.  With one other member of our tour and our guide we walked to the box office where Baiba helped us purchase 3 tickets in a first level box for 500 local currency which I can neither spell nor pronounce. The exchange rate is about 8 to $1. So our incredible box cost a little more than $60. We were adjacent to the Presidents Box.  OMG.  Since we are all still jet lagged we did not expect to survive 3 hours of Opera,  but the performance had us spell bound and we walked out on a high.  It is an hour later as I write.

On the morning we go to the Chernobyle Museum and then may a call at Babi Yar. This will not be an easy day. 

Enough,  pictures when I am more mentally alert.

London, briefly

We have made it to London and I’m writing during our 2 1/2 hour layover before getting our flight to Kiev.  Hard to believe we are actually underway after nine months of thinking about it.

We had a delightful stay in Covesville with Malena,  Dan and the boys.  There was lots of activity and I am happy to report that the record is intact.  I helped enlarge the Guinea fowl house.  Fortunately the weather was cool but not cold so we set a new record.  For new readers once we built a chicken house in 13 degree F weather.  As we left, a work crew was waiting for us to get out of the way so they could tear off the back porch of the house in preparation for building a very nice addition.  We stored the coach in Woolen Mills Self Storage and Dan drove us to Bethesda so we could vist with cousin Bob and Jane Levey. 

We visited in their apartment on Wisconsin Ave and then walked across the street to Persimmon for dinner.  As we walked back to our hotel with them we bumped into their daughter Emily on the street.  This called for extending the visit a bit and we settled into the hotel lobby for a chat.  Sweet.

The next morning,  Oct 2 brought home the impact of the idiotic government shutdown, none of the galleries we had planned on seeing were open.  Fortunately we were “forced” to go to the Phillips Collection and what a collection.  We enjoyed 2 hours plus there and then found lunch at Kramers Books! Fun and we didn’t buy any books,  too much weight.

Flying on British Airways in Business Class resulted in a flight I hardly noticed.  Between the seats that let you lay flat and our new noise canceling headphones it was quiet, comfortable and reasonably private.  We are enjoying the lounge amenities too.

Next post will be from Kiev and I hope to include some photos too.

Running Around in ever Decreasing Circles

First and foremost; Carol is healing rapidly and appears to be fine.  The good news is that because she could not make the choir rehearsals she couldn’t sing in the High Holiday Choir and sat with me.  I like that even though I know she really likes to sing.  Also people who sit near us like that because being in the congregation does not stop her from singing, it is a joy for me to hear her and others say so too.

I was going to say that we had no commitments today, but that would be wrong.  We met for breakfast with the Chair of the Department of Neurology at URMC (University of Rochester Medical Center) Robert Holloway, MD. He is the new chair and wanted to talk to us about the future of the Nathalie and Emanuel Goldberg Lecture which is going into its 29th year in a couple of weeks. We are very encouraged that this will continue and be expanded to at least three lectures a year going forward.  My parents created this lectureship. . .

Not sure where that sentence was headed, one more distraction in a week of distractions and shopping. Kol Nidre is four hours off.  Food has been prepared for taking to Break Fast at Bulins’ tomorrow when we can resume eating.  Most of the “stuff” we know we need to buy for travel is sitting in the den waiting for transport to the coach.  Dan called to ask about our eta in Charlottesville, thinking he had forgotten or lost the message. I told him we were getting closer to knowing when we are leaving and we will tell them when we arrive when we have figured it out.  We have a firm last hour to arrive which is Sunday at 3 when we are needed to watch the boys while Malena and Dan have a “date.”  We will make it.

I spent over two hours today doing battle with Amazon and  At some point in the last 24 hours they changed the method for getting the NYTimes on the Fire.  Problem, they didn’t tell anyone, not even their support people.  I suffered through on hold and transfers to the wrong party followed by an online chat that locked up as we got to the final instructions.  Finally got a L3 tech who actually was able to walk me through the steps to get it done.  It needed four log ons using different User IDs and passwords.  In this day and age that is just insane.  I guess Amazon and do not have a great relationship. Neither is particularly user friendly in how they connect. End of rant!

I’ll just post this now and start over some time next week.

Waiting Again

Carol is recovering nicely. Her bruises are fading and her eye is no longer red and she feels more energetic than she has. We are having friends over for cocktails and then out to dinner Friday and Saturday as well as breakfast out Saturday. We have set Sunday as a”down day” for r & r. Have to fit in everyone we can before we leave.  We are waiting to see if the ophthalmologist can proceed with cataract surgery on her left eye on Tuesday.

We waited eight weeks for an led clearance light for Gee Whiz that our local dealer had ordered. Got tired of waiting and called Tiffin parts department.  The part arrived two days later under warranty even though the coach is 3 months past warranty. Thank you Tiffin Motor Homes.

I would rather not refer to the next couple of weeks as waiting as we get ready for the High Holy Days and our departure for Charlottesville in preparation for our overseas travel. The anticipation level is rising, but we still have so many people we want to see and things we want to do that we don’t want the time to fly by.

This post is also a practice post. Took my laptop into Microworx to have the hard drive replaced,  under warranty.  I am writing this on my tablet as I plan to do all my posts from overseas.  I do not plan to take the laptop. So also waiting for my laptop to be returned repaired.

Waiting — is over

Two weeks ago Carol took a tumble while walking on the sidewalk. There was a lot of blood and some swelling of the cheek . X ray showed broken bone and CT scan showed a lot more damage . Carol spent hours to learn if restorative surgery was necessary and if it would interfere with having her second cataract surgery before we leave on the extravaganza. The surgery was scheduled for Thursday and it wasn’t until midday Wednesday that she had all the information she needed.

I’m writing this in the preop area while we wait for the Anesthesiologist and surgeon to come in for the preoperative talk . l’m writing this using the pen on my tablet for the first time. it reads my handwriting better than most people.  I won’t post this until I have had a chance to write about the outcome.

several hours later: Surgery took an hour less than projected because it went better than expected.  By 8:45 she was out of recovery and in her room for the night.  I spent some time with her and left her to sleep off the drugs from surgery.

I doubt I’ll post about this again.

Midway Through Summer

Where has July gone? We passed Yechiel’s birthday, the 28th yesterday (for those who just joined that’s our eldest son) as he was flying in to join us with his wife.  His son Tal has been with us since Tuesday.  The schedule is complicated, needless to say we are very busy.  There is a wedding, a Bat Mitzvah and many other plans that will keep us running until time to head out.

I didn’t have enough to occupy myself.  While staying in Virginia our younger son, Dan, showed me some courses he was taking on  I loaded up the site and went to see what Brown (my alma mater) was offering.  They had just listed three courses as an experiment and one was titled “Archaeology’s Dirty Little Secrets” which in this day of acronyms has become ADLS.  I couldn’t resist.  My mother was an avid reader of Biblical Archaeology and had gone to a dig in Israel.  My sister worked for an archaeologist (anthropologist?) at Boston University after graduation.  I had brought home sherds and pots as an aspiring archaeologist at age 7ish when the local utility was trenching through our neighborhood to replace gas line (this was 1949 or so) and unearthed endless treasures from the former landfill under our street.

I delved into this 8 week course in early June and have been immersed in it ever since.  The faculty, lead by Professor Susan Alcott have been phenomenal.  They have brought presentations from A to Z or from Abydos in Egypt to El Zotz in Guatemala with stops in Montserrat and Petra.  We have been challenged with ethical questions and logistical issues.  I have had to write or create weekly.  For one assignment the option I selected was to create a video of a presentation which you can view at this link the video runs 5 minutes.  For the last class we were asked to be creative.  Since the best thing I do is write, I prepared an essay on the subject “Who Owns the Past” the title of the last session.  I’ll paste in in at the end.

I have not felt so engrossed in study in many years, if ever.  it has been a wonderful experience to stretch the brain in companionship with 35,000 wonderful students.  Yes that’s right 35,000.  I have become friendly with several on the classroom forums and expect we will continue to communicate on Facebook going forward.  I have managed to share email with several.  There is a group of women in their 80’s who are very active and there is a 9 year old girl who has much to say and a wonderful mind.  All in all it is an exciting community and I plan to participate in other classes, although I may be spoiled by the wonderful experience given by my alma mater.

Here is my last essay for the class:

This is not a poem or a piece of music. It might be a rant.  It is a  look at competing interests.  ADLS has changed my view of the world in many ways.  I see the neighborhood I live in, downtown Rochester, with eyes that have been veiled from the history I learned growing up here.  Now I revel in it.  I am distraught by the damage that Urban Renewal in the late 1950’s did to the fabric of this city and yet, as I look across the street at a monstrous structure built on the ruins which houses about 1,000 low income and disabled people I wonder what would have become of them had the structure not been built.  Would the preservation of Front Street, across the river, have provided a source of knowledge or merely a dingy if colorful market?  Today it is a parking ramp and a walkway along the river that is poorly maintained.  

I watch the video presented by Ian Straughn about the ongoing destruction in Aleppo, Syria wiping away ancient buildings and collections of artifacts and it brings tears to my eyes at the loss.  There is so much knowledge and beauty that is being destroyed.  Yet as I think about so many of the archaeological sites that are studied today, how many of them are stories of repeated construction and ensuing destruction by natural or human forces?  Tel Megiddo, my Mystery Site, is the result of repeated building and destruction, layer on layer.  Who owned the past of the lowest layer and the succeeding layers?  Who owns it today?  

The video about Rosia Montana presented by Emanuela Bocancea discusses a company that plans to mine in Romania to extract gold and silver. It is an area where there are many ancient gold mines.  In the process they will remove two  mountain tops and create a lake in the valley of cyanide laced water.  The environmental disaster they contemplate creating is beyond comprehension, unless you visit West Virginia, but the destruction of an area that houses evidence of extended habitation which has not been surveyed and recorded is incredible to think about.  Who owns this past? The company that has purchased the right to exploit the mineral wealth, the country that wants the financial resources that will be developed by extraction, the people of the region whose history it is and who will be displaced from their homes and their family burial grounds and whose health will be put at risk?  Or the world, which will lose forever access to knowledge of our history.

In the New York Times (Where Police See looted Antiquities, a Mayor Sees a Museum, July 22, 2013, Suzanne Daley) there is an article about the remote Spanish village, Aranda De Moncayo, that is neighbor to the remains of another settlement that was destroyed in warfare in the middle ages.  The locals have been aware of it  because of the surface finds they have picked up over the years.  Now one individual has been the source of eighteen rare helmets that have been put up for auction.  Archaeologists are dismayed. These helmets have been ripped from their context with no records being made and it seems according to the report that there has not been a find of so many of these helmets in one place ever before.  This find’s context is lost to our knowledge as certainly as if tablets of Linear B were to be smashed and scattered.

These stories, and the course we are completing, lead me to consider that much of what we view as destructive of the past is indeed the very formation processes that have created the sites that are the source of our knowledge and research.  A city is destroyed and its artifacts scattered about, even looted.  The remnant may eventually serve as the base for a new city and  future archaeologists will dig through the remains to learn the story.  I am having a harder time, no an impossible time, searching for some value in ripping apart mountains for gold and lacing the environment with poison in the process.  All that will be left is a savaged landscape that is inaccessible to anyone who values their life.  Likewise the looting of helmets from a place where a battle was fought seems to offer no redeeming feature, but maybe the looting itself will attract attention to the area and security will be improved and future archaeologists will have another place to investigate.

In the city I can see from my window much has been lost to developers’ need to develop. In many instances they have created new and better homes where there were nothing but slums.  Much has also been preserved,even the Warner Lofts building which houses my apartment is a preserved building from 1868 and the floors and window glass are original as is the cast iron structure.  In many places I can see marks left by the workers 150 years ago.  This is overlaid by the transition in the 1940s to a retail establishment and later to offices and presently to apartments above retail space on the ground floor.

The process of development destroys and preserves. The process of extraction destroys with no possibility of preservation.  Whether extraction is mineral or artifact ripped from its context the result is removal from the stream of human history and thus the question of who owns it become moot.  There is nothing left to own.

To my classmates, say hi to Paxil!

Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival – Night 9 – The End for 2013

Yesterday I wrote about the “merely excellent” and the “incredibly superb.”  I need to recalibrate that scale to “merely exceptional” and “outrageously superb.”  We took in two of the latter and three of the former.  I’m glad, sort of, that the Jazz Fest is over because I am running out of superlatives.  We got in line to hear Kurt Elling in Kilbourn Hall at 3:15 – the performance was at 6 and the doors opened at 5:15.  There were already 50 people or so in line when we got there.  We chatted with people who we have stood in line with before, both this year and in years past and even some friends from “the other world” when Jazz Fest is not on.  Eventually we made our way into the hall and got to our favorite seats, back row of the front section on the right center aisle, but you knew that if you have read prior postings.

On time the Eastman student who is responsible for making the preconcert announcement about fire regulations made his way to the microphone and told us that this was the last time he would get to do this after a three year stint.  He got a standing, howling ovation when he was done telling us where the fire doors are and to move calmly and quietly to the nearest exit when so told.  This may be the first time this legal gobbledygook has received such warm response.  It was an indication of the high spirits of the audience.  Elling took the stage and in the first few bars he displayed his four octave range and his ability to sustain notes beyond any expectation from the human voice. His is a voice and a style that harks back to the 50’s or maybe even the 40’s and had me thinking about Frank Sinatra.  His scat was exceptional and at the peak of anything I can remember hearing live or recorded.  His repertoire certainly went back into my youth and that made it even more fun.  Some who did not enjoy the show were younger or said they never cared for the “Chairman of the Board”.

We had sort of thought we might leave a bit early to take in the show at the Little, but there was no way I was leaving while he was singing.  Eventually he concluded and we left the  “outrageously superb” and headed to Christ Church for one number of “merely exceptional” piano playing by Gwilym Simcock.  Solo piano does not work well in that venue even though his playing was really wonderful.  We left there and after a brief stop for fuel we continued on to Lutheran Church for Torben Waldorff’s Quartet where we settled in for more exceptionally superb music.  This was turning into an awesome night.  We left after three numbers to catch Blaggards at Abilene.  They are billed as “Stout Irish Rock” and they are from Houston TX. The walls of Harro (the former JYM&WA) across the street were rocking as we approached.  It seemed likely the volume alone would deny us entry, but we forged on and made it into the tent where they were blowing out the tent walls.  While we were there they played “What do you do with the Drunken Sailor?” which is there theme song.  It is hard to limit them to “merely exceptional” but I am working with a scale of 1 to 10 and am already at 12 in terms of my enjoyment.

Once again I had to leave to get in line.  I left Carol rocking and headed to Max expecting to rush into the line for Five Play.  I got waylaid at the Verizon booth, don’t ask, in part because I could see that the line was not as long as expected.  Carol got to the line before me. Five Play is five women from the Diva Jazz Orchestra.  We had heard the Sax player, Janelle Reichman, the night before at the Jam Session and were determined to hear the group.  They were “outrageously superb” and the audience was fixed in the seats for an hour and 15 minutes. The music was standards with a wonderful interpretation and improv.  They closed with Caravan composed by Juan Tizol and first performed by Duke Ellington in 1936 (thank you wiki).  This was just wonderful to hear and we didn’t want it to end, but end it did and so did the 12th Annual Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival.

But the evening was not quite over for us.  We picked up Abbots Custard only chocolate was left by now and walked to State Street Bar and Grill.  We listened to a couple of sets including as always John Nugent and Bob Sneider as 1:20 went by and Bill Dobbins took the piano bench we decided enough was really to much and we declared our own end to the Festival.

For City’s Daily Jazz Blog click here


We can hardly believe it.  Back in February we bought tickets to Peter Frampton Guitar Circus for the 8th day of the Festival and it has come and gone.  But back to the beginning.  Last night (afternoon really) we got in line at Max at 4 under a dripping sky with no shelter to await the 6:15 show of Hilario Duran Trio.  We were joined in line by many friends both from our “other” life and “line friends.” Fortunately the drizzle abated and we were left to stand in the cool damp until the sound check was completed by about 5:30.  Mercifully the volunteers in charge at Max have elected to open the doors as soon as the hall is available, rather than waiting until 30 minutes before which is Jazz Fest Rules.  Of course at venues with food to sell this works to the venue’s advantage as well as those waiting, a true win-win.

Going into the 8th night of music there is a tendency to get a bit jaded.  A group that is “merely” excellent and would be a wonderful show at any other time of year becomes “merely” excellent.  Where is the incredibly superb I was hoping for? This was the case with Duran and his group they really were excellent and a pleasure to listen to, but so were many other shows we’ve heard this festival and we were not totally thrilled as we might have been hearing them in a stand alone show at a club.  Also we were anticipating the Frampton show.  We left about 10 minutes before the show was over to claim our seats in Kodak Hall at Eastman Theater (gad I hate that name, especially now that Kodak is a fading memory – how ironic is that?).  We were on the left center aisle in the 2nd row of the Loge with a great view of the performers and of the phone screens of the people in front of us who did not understand the meaning of “no photography/no video/no recording” like so many others all week long.  I haven’t been tempted since I really don’t need a fuzzy dark picture of a performer on stage when I can get online a sharp well lit picture.  —___ stepping down from my soap box.

Robert Cray Band opened the show with thirty minutes of great playing and singing.  There was then a thirty minute break while they reset the stage, removing all of Robert Cray’s equipment and shuffling Peter Frampton’s Guitar Circus equipment forward and conducting a swift sound check before bringing on Peter Frampton.  Like so many he has grown older and grayer and balder.  He has also become a more mature performer sustaining a 90 minute show with energy and variety that kept me moving in my seat.  He brought on Don Felder, also from a past that I had not followed but now find I enjoy.  I would complain that the bass and drums were louder than necessary and prevented me from hearing many of the nuances that I am sure were there.  However they were not so loud as to drive me to earplugs or an early departure. Frampton and the other guitar players changed off instruments at every song change in a manner that was balletic.  The change of guitar in each case signaled at different kind of music and it was clear that the instruments were carefully matched to the tune and the genre.  We stayed glued to our seats through the long ovation to be rewarded with a great encore.

We swept out onto the street, having survived long lines at our respective facilities, and headed for Montage and a planned rendezvous with the Towlers.  It was not to be, we got in sight of the door and saw a waiting line 25 minutes into the set and there were smokers.  We veered off and after a stop at Abbots for Almond Chocolate Custard we worked our way to the Big Tent with the Dirty Dozen Brass Band.  We arrived in the middle of “The Saints’ and the place was rocking.  We found a place to lean and joined in until the Tent was closed at 11.  We headed immediately to State Street Grill Jam Session which was packed. We found places to stand and heard a wide variety of local talent and Festival Performers.  Janelle Reichman, tenor sax with Five Play, was a standout.  We are determined to hear her group at Max at 10 tonight.  While standing and listening when one set ended some idiot loudly whistled his approval in Carol’s ear causing a lot of discomfort for her for the rest of the evening.  If you must whistle, scream, yodel your approval PLEASE be sure no one’s ear is in line, you could cause pain and hearing loss.  If I knew who the culprit was, I would press charges for assault.  –__ second soapbox in one post, remarkable.

Tonight’s plan, if it can be called that, starts at Kilbourn with Kurt Elling, it is almost time to get in line, it is 1:35 as I write.  Then we are thinking about trying to get into the Little for Amy Lynn and The Gun  Show.  Failing that Christ Church, Gwilym Simcock, and/or Lutheran Church, Tobin Waldorff’s Wah-Wah.  As noted we plan to wrap at Max with Five Play, before heading over to State Street until time to collapse.

I’ll post a wrap sometime tomorrow and then go silent for a bit.

XRIJF Night 7

Had a great night, we “only” got to four venues and they were all wonderful music experiences.  There was plenty of buzz that Ravi Coltrane was going to be packed and it would be a good idea to be in line early.  We thought we were early arriving at the venue at 3:15 for a 6 PM show.  The line was already down Jazz Street and we were at the turn into the alley.  Plenty of interesting folk to talk with as always so the time went by easily.  We managed to get our favorite seats on the right center aisle at the back of the front section.  Easy access to the exit should that become necessary and great site line unless there is a pianist who sets the piano with the keyboard to the left.  Most of them seem to have set the piano so the keyboard is toward the audience to keep them in closer communication with their group.  This was not even a issue with Coltrane, the sax was front and slightly left of center.  We enjoyed the entire performance – what’s not to enjoy with a great sax player backed by fine sidemen.  We sadly left just before the last number to get in line outside Hatch to hear Harold Levy.

We had heard him the night before with Trio Globo and were intrigued at what he would do in Hatch which is used for solo piano with no enhancement, it is a pure acoustic venue and has limited seating. Levy came out and started playing without any introduction.  Midway through he seemed to remember he had his harmonicas along and got one out for one number.  At the end of the performance a standing extended applause brought him back for an encore.  Before he played he commented as have so many others about the wonderful piano, the wonderful hall and the great audience.  His words, paraphrased, “You listened so intently you almost frightened me.”  Then he played one more piece starting with the harmonica.  

Where to go from there?  We had a plan, but we were hungry.  So we stopped at Bricks & Motor food truck where Carol had the CousCous and I had a lobster roll which we carried over to the Big Tent where we found a table and relaxed for 10 minutes.  Then we headed over to Lutheran Church for Jacob Karlzon 3 (JK3).  This is the group that got delayed in Iceland the day before.  Well, two got delayed and Karlzon got in and performed with Valery Tolstoy on Wednesday instead of Thursday.  In any event Karlzon played piano and some electronics that actually added to the experience and his bassist and drummer were both wonderful and well worth the wait  We stayed through the entire performance and then beat it though the beginning rain to Max for Carmen Souza.  She is one hot number!  We only heard the last third of her performance and would gladly hear her again tonight in Xerox if we didn’t have main stage tickets for Peter Frampton Guitar Circus.  

No way to do both and that is the blessing and curse of XRIJF.  We are going to try to get into Hilario Duran  Trio at Max at 6:15.  Find some food there and get over to Kodak Hall in time to find our seats by 7:30.  If that gets out by 9:30, who knows where the buzz will take us, maybe to Lutheran or if later to the Big Tent for the Dirty Dozen Brass Band (if we can’t hear them from a block away).

After tonight there is only one more night of Jazz Fest.  I am ready to resume life in the real world, but I really am going to have withdrawal from planning, running and writing about it.  Also Carol is going to have to relearn how to cook.  We haven’t had a dinner home since June 20!