I haven’t posted much about the goings on at Jojoba Hills SKP Resort. I’m not sure anyone is even interested, but I do need to record some thoughts. Carol I are up to our eyeballs in activities here. She is planning a first opening in a new gallery space. After we renovated and revised our center around the pool the Library has space for hanging art and it has been approved to use it as a gallery. There are a lot of new prints on metal in our shed waiting to be hung in February right after our Annual Meeting on February 2 the opening is on the 6th.
My term on the Board has two more years to run. However this year we are looking forward to extensive training for the entire Board. It is planned for three days. It should be interesting.
The resort was built over 30 years ago and much of the infrastructure has passed its “use-by-date” Fortunately our predecessors wisely set aside a substantial reserve fund and the new water tank and the repairs to the septic systems are covered by those reserves. I did say systems. There are 17 distinct systems serving the 283 sites and the public buildings. Septic 11 is the system we are on and the heavy rains overloaded the leach field for our system. We have been “camping” with our holding tank valves closed for the past week. It’s sort of like being out in the desert where there are no utilities although we do have water and electric. This should be fixed by Monday.
My work as Treasurer has been satisfying. I have managed to spread our CD investments out almost evenly – laddered – so plenty of cash will be available very 90 days. Working with the Finance Committee we have an excellent budget going into 2023. And even with crazy utility and other inflated charges it looks like we will have a small surplus to carry forward into the new year. It does remain to be seen whether I will continue as Treasurer after the Annual Meeting. We are electing 3 new members to the 9 person board and we immediately have a meeting of the new Board to elect officers. The current President has said he will not stand for reelection to that position. Stay tuned.
Tonight we are going with a gang from the resort to Mexican dinner and a performance at Pechanga Casino of the “Fab Four”, a cover band with excellent reviews. There is a group called “Trips and Tours” that regularly puts together these events.
I just turned down an invitation to play Bridge this afternoon because we have other plans to get together with friends in their rig, just to catch up between their travels and ours. We now have enough people to actually play Bridge fairly often and even some men, so I am no longer the only guy in the room. I hope I can find the time after the Annual Meeting to report on that and other happenings. We are not the US Congress so I do not expect multiple rounds of voting to elect the new officers.