Couldn’t help myself! After the last post – Neither Here nor There – this just seemed inevitable even if it doesn’t really mean anything, unless it does.
We have actually done pretty much what I said we would in the previous post. Our trip to NOTL was about as straight forward as it gets. The Whirlpool Street Bridge was closed so we had to use the Rainbow Bridge and wait about 30 minutes to get through customs, no Nexus there. We had plenty of time for lunch at Epicurean in the heart of town, this is our favorite lunch spot in the town and has been there many years. We shopped a bit and then went to the Courthouse to see A Charity that Began at Home by Hankin. It was wonderfully well done and provided plenty of the expected laughs. Just think about a British country home filled with people invited not because you want to invite them but because nobody else will invite them. It is not a happy prospect except for the audience, my sides ached as we left.
Dinner at Zee after checking in at the Old Bank House. Both rate high marks for service and comfort. The restaurant is very well located and the service was impeccable as was the food. After dinner we enjoyed the modern version of GB Shaw’s Philanderer. The B&B is bigger than we used to like with something like 9 rooms, but everyone was friendly and interesting. We walked down to the lake shore before breakfast and found this scene. The two gentlemen in
costume were actors with the man flying the drone with camera as they were preparing a marketing video for the town’s anniversary coming up next year. Carol and I were both taken with the apparent anachronism in our face. This was shot with the camera on my tablet as that was all I had with me for the walk.
We needed to get back to Rochester by 12:15 for an appointment, but it was not to happen. I could not figure out how to get to the Nexus lanes on the Lewiston Bridge and we spent a miserable hour or more waiting for our turn at the border booth. The appointment got rescheduled. How was I to know that the Nexus lanes were in the lane marked commercial trucks only? I’ll know the next time.
Yom Kippur occupied Saturday and Sunday we actually stayed home and in the evening we watched Chef, a movie we had heard about and we took the time to see it on TWCable On Demand. We don’t have our Roku here, I left it on the coach. We really enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to most anyone.
Enough with the hour by hour and minute by minute. We have been fussing with doing things that need to be done in Rochester before we depart on Monday not to return until late May or early June. Also we need to put in place the last minute details for going to Israel with all eleven of us departing December 22. Everyone now has a current passport and I have all the numbers except for Josh’s. The tickets are paid for, the trip will have been paid for on my birthday and the travel insurance is in place. Just need to get all of us to JFK by 8 PM on the 22nd and those plans are all made as well.
For those interested in our actual road plans just in case we might cross paths here are the known way points. Rochester to Charlottesville by car on Monday Oct 13. Charlottesville to Charlotte NC on Oct 18. Time in Charlotte is at least through morning of the 20th. This is subject to extension. Next stop is Red Bay AL (if you don’t know don’t ask) with plan to arrive Thursday or Friday. Duration there is unknown as it depends on how fast we can get Tiffin and other vendors to attend to our service needs. From Red Bay we head for Rainbows End in Livingston TX with plan to arrive December 15. Upon return from Israel we will pick up the coach and depart on January 15. The next way point is Escapade (a national gathering of Escapee members) March 8 to 13 in Tucson. That’s it for now. I have no idea when or how we will eventually get to LA and that is because I refuse to look that far ahead, today.