or is that thyme? I can’t seem to break the rhyme.
There, broke away! If I seem a bit slap happy I may just be. I am on the verge of setting a record, completing two major projects for the Resort in a year. I have mentioned that I spent the last year chairing a committee to replace an aging phone system. For those who missed it the old system died abruptly 2 weeks before we planned to install the replacement. Everything was in place so we just did it immediately. We continue to fuss with the final details, but my committee has been disbanded.
I probably mentioned that the threat of boredom appeared high so I agreed to chair a committee to bring quotes for four backup generators to the park. The motions will go to the Board of Directors on Monday. It doesn’t matter what they do, my work is done. I am planning to take no time off as I took on another project a month ago, just in case. That should keep me on the run until May 1 when we plan to go out on the road. During this time Carol has brought a project to reconstruct the major facility in our rental campground, it was fun watching the walls being torn out of the Laundry and watching Carol working with the construction volunteers buying stuff and checking that they were on track to get it done.
In the midst of this we decided that it was time to get a lower, more comfortable car and so we did. There is a theme, it is as RED as the former Rubicon. We bought using the Costco service so no dickering and no upselling. We chose to sell the Rubicon privately and as I suspected it was gone in 23 hours, for just above the value I was carrying it on my books. We now have a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk 4×4 with all the “stuff” you might want on a car except the oversized engine.
I have spent some time thinking about travel this summer. We are not ready to leave the US of A yet, although Canada would be fine if it opens up. I have started by sticking pins in a map with dates attached. The latest date is July 18 to 23 at an Escapade (a gathering of Escapees) in Rock Springs Wyoming. Another date is May 20 in Albuquerque NM. Also a stop in Sacramento CA May 5. If you put it on a map there is no theme just pins. We find we have several reasons to go to Washington, Port Townsend and Spokane and Vancouver if we can get over the border and back. It still doesn’t make any sense. There are also stops in Virginia (?) and Rochester NY to consider and eventually back to Jojoba Hills in SoCal. OMG its a mess. I don’t suppose we can fit in New England while we are at but its only a day from Rochester to Shelburne VT. It begins to feel like I have grabbed a handful of pebbles and thrown them at the map. This is not a plan and it has no rhyme.
I guess we will know what the plan was after we execute it on thyme.