Finally! We have 4 planned trips for the summer and one of them will be on the motorhome. We are flying to Charlottesville on the 16th to celebrate Alexander’s graduation from UVa. We will be staying with Malena and Dan, along with the boys and Yechiel and Josh. sounds like a full house I will report with pictures at some point.
We are back in Jojoba Hills SKP Resort from the 22nd of May until June 1 when we will drive down the coast to San Diego, well actually Coronado. We met Beverly on our cruise in December and she invited us to stay so we will be staying for 3 nights with her before retuning to Jojoba Hills. We have a lot to see there, not least is Friday Night services at Ohr Shalom where the Rabbi we met on the cruise is the leader.
We will stay put in Jojoba Hills until the 18th of June when we will stop in Redlands CA to have the coach serviced on our way to Salt Lake City where Azriel is working nights, servicing regional aircraft. We will return to Jojoba Hills before the 30th of June. We have no current travel plans for July.
No plans does not mean we are sitting still. I expect my duties as President will be rather light and we may take the coach out for another trip. On August 2 we fly to Rochester to pick up a rental car and drive to Hamilton ON for Aunt Dorothy’s 100th Birthday. Dorothy is the last survivor of seven siblings including Carol’s mother. Our return to Rochester will be just in time to prepare for departure to France where we plan to embark on a river cruise on the Rhone ending with a three night extension in Paris.
On our return to Rochester, our current plan is to stay there until the day after Yom Kippur when we will leap back into the fray in Jojoba Hills SKP Resort for the balance of my first term as president.
I have refrained from blow by bloody blow of my term so far and will continue to do so. It would be of no interest to most of you anyhow and I am keeping a separate journal for my own amusement. When my term on the Board is over I will store it on the secure park server for the eyes of my successors only.