Lucena to Granada

We left Cordoba after a wonderful presentation by Rabbino Haim Casas, the first ordained Spanish Progressive (Reform) Rabbi. His history is representative of the diversity of the Spanish Community. He was raised in a strongly Catholic home with a father whos was a high ranking Spanish military officer. Trained in a relatively liberal strict Catholic boys school and found his way to the Judaism that has hidden in his background, a history that is almost untraceable to its roots 500 years ago. The phrase “lost in the mists of time” rings all to true.

We headed for Lucena, the center of Jewish life after Cordoba. Our first stop was a cemetery. of reburied bones turned up in the course of building anew road. 

From there we moved down into Lucena where we toured the center of the city stopping by the Cathedral in the middle of the main square which was formerly a mosque and before that the site of the synagogue  in the center of the Jewish section of the city.  

We resumed our pl;aces in the bus and drove to Granada where we stopped for an overview of Alhambra, look at the header of this post – until I change it 🙂 for that scenic view.

Publishing this post was delayed by some technical problems and by lack of time to work on it.