September – already!

The calendar has been filling to the point that there seems little open time before we load the coach and head west.  We have said repeatedly that Yom Kippur, which falls on October 12 this year, marks the earliest possible start across the country. With no specific dates to be anyplace until a rally in Coachella in December our departure date is still open. We need to plan a stop in Asheville NC which will put a pushpin in our map and calendar. This would most likely be preceded by a stop in Cleveland OH which is just about a five hour drive from Rochester. None of this is in stone – yet.

Our calendar is filled with social engagements, community events and medical appointments. Looking forward to the first two in that group, the last item not so much. Carol has been busy with her “list” trying to make sure we get to see everyone before we get back on the road to California. 

Watch for another post I am working on, contemplating on an altogether different subject.