Bookend – Home

Carol and I began our marriage travels with a five week trip to Europe starting in England. After 60 years it doesn’t seem likely that we will be doing any more extended travel overseas. I’m not ruling it out, but there is still plenty to see and do in the US and Canada. We have traveled in 67 countries on six continents. We have been to the top of Tibet, over 12,000 feet, and to the depth of the Dead Sea, about 5,700 feet below sea level, as far north as Fairbanks Alaska and as far south as Cape of Good Hope South Africa. We have driven across the United States more than 24 times in our motorhome and been from the Mexican border to the Canadian Border – and beyond. We are not done, we plan to drive back to California in the Fall and do some other road trips this summer.  

Back to the trip we just completed. We had a day to walk around in Edinburgh and our hotel was just steps away from George IV Bridge which crosses to the area of the Castle. It was a warm sunny day!! and we strolled up toward the Castle area. We never made it since the steps were daunting. We did climb several steps and had two wonderful stops. We found the Writers Museum in Lady Stair’s house (that was her name) in Lady Stairs Close up some steps and it had three main floors covering the lives of Robert Louis Stevenson, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Burns.  We spent over an hour there taking in all the information about the writers and the museum. We moved on from there to the National Museum on the way back to our hotel. This may be one of the most confusing museums we have ever been in. The range of material from modern medicine to ancient sculptures with a stop along the way for early steam engines is confusing enough then have more than three interconnected buildings with lifts that go to alternate floors and this tired couple were glad to find our way out after an hour. We concluded the day with dinner at a Spanish Tapas restaurant  before collapsing for a 4:30 AM wake up to be in our taxi at 5:30. 

I will spare you the description of Edinburgh Airport, it may be the worst we have experienced. The flight to Toronto was smooth and comfortable. Our car was immediately available at Park and Fly and we drove to Mitch’s house in the usual Toronto traffic. Carol was adamant we not drive home after the long flight and 5 hour time zone change. Mitch welcomed us to his house, although he was not there when we arrived, it was a work day. We had time with him late afternoon and in the morning – THANK YOU MITCH – before beginning the drive home. 

First stop after Toronto was Hamilton to visit Aunt Dorothy (known as Dodo to us). One does not drive by the home of a centenarian without stopping in. After a brief (30 minute) wait to cross into Lewiston NY we faced a dilemma. Southern route on the Thruway, Middle route on NY 104  or lakeside route, the slowest. After lunch in Lewiston, we opted for the slow route along the lake. Just west of the western end of the Lake Ontario Parkway we found an Amish farm stand we have visited in the past and stop to top up with fresh fruit and vegetables. We arrived at the apartment at 4 PM, a mere six hours for a three hour trip. That would be par for us.

One thought on “Bookend – Home”

  1. What a joy to go back to your honeymoon destination!! I commend for resilience and determination. I am so happy you were able to take this trip. Keep moving! GeeWhiz is the best friend you have, as it always treats you well… least 90% of the time. I trip overseas is wonderful. God Bless You both for the love you have given to each other and spread so far around the world through your devotion to family, friends and the God who has blessed you with the ability to do so.

    Much Love – Darlene

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