Honeymoon Reprise

60 years ago a very young couple left Rochester for the first of what has turned out to be many trips away from home. One of the the most memorable stays on that five week trip to UK, the Scandavian countries, Netherlands, Belgium, and France was the small town of Broadway in the Cotswalds, not far from Stratford-upon-Avon.  We stayed in a very old Inn, Lygon Arms in the oldest part, built in the mid 1500’s. We have dreamed of returning ever since.  Our travels have taken us many places, but never back to England for more than an overnight in London.

Our anniversary has fallen during Rochester International Jazz Fest for many years and we have celebrated on Jazz Street every year. We decided that out 60th needed to be something different and it had to include a return to Lygon Arms in Broadway. 

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 12, we will drive toToronto to catch a flight to London to begin the repeat of the UK  ortion of that first trip. We will not be able to repeat the return trip since the Queen Mary has been out of service, tied up in Long Beach for many years.

We are very much still in travel mode.

7 thoughts on “Honeymoon Reprise”

  1. I love reading about all your travels. The repeated criss country driving ones make me a bit “nervous” for you. Maybe it’s because personally I detest bring in the car for long periods! Very cool that you’re flying back repeat parts of your honeymoon.
    Is coming to Toronto just your way to catch a flight, or will you be here for a bit on either end?

  2. I love reading about all your travels. The repeated cross country driving ones make me a bit “nervous” for you. Maybe it’s because personally I detest being in the car for long periods! Very cool that you’re flying back to London to repeat parts of your honeymoon. Sixty years…that’s a WOW!
    Is coming to Toronto just your way to catch a flight, or will you be here for a bit on either end?

  3. I am thrilled for you! Wishing you an easy and wonderful journey, in all ways.
    Love, Miriam

  4. How wonderful! While we’ll miss you at the Jazz Fest, we’re so happy you’re able to fulfill your dream!!! So romantic!💘 We wish you safe travels and hope to share a meal upon your return.

  5. It’s hard to believe that June 21, 1964 was 60 years ago. It still feels like yesterday. I’ll be thinking of you both on our shared day. If only Jon were here as well. Congratulations on such a wonderful milestone. Enjoy the trip.

  6. Congratulations on your 60th Anniversary. So happy you’ll be able to repeat at least of the journey you traveled many years ago.
    Love, Terry

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