I chipped a molar on the way here. It was Thursday. Calls to dentists within a 50 mile range were fruitless. They were booked and all were closed on Friday. My tongue was busy exploring the raw edge of the chip and making me just a bit nuts. I gave up until Monday.
We spent the next few days with a shopping trip to Fulton Walmart. The closest real grocery with beer. Have I mentioned that Red Bay is in a dry county? We wandered around the campground meeting many of the other Tiffin owners who were waiting for their turn for service. Some like us had actual appointments with vendors and others were waiting for a call from the service center to have repairs performed. That part is all first come first serve with modifications too complex to explain here.
Monday morning at 7 AM we pulled into Trevor Nichols Custom RV where Micky was waiting to take our interior apart so she could install new carpeting. In your house when you install new carpeting the workers start by removing the furniture. In the motorhome Micky did the same thing, however our furniture is bolted to the floor and it is not a simple matter to slide it out of the way. Also the bed is a fairly complex structure bolted down with many bolts in unlikely places. She calmly unbolted and moved the pieces in a thoroughly organized manner ripping out not only the original carpeting but the later installed carpet which had been installed, badly several years ago.
While this was underway I called the first dentist on my list and soon had an appointment to be seen by Dr Nix at 11 AM. By 11:15 the sharp edges were eased and I was ready to travel on to my next dentist appointment in mid December in Temecula.
By 1:30 the entire installation was complete and the interior cleaned up and all that was left after paying was to drive 2 miles to the campground and put away everything that had come out of storage places throughout the coach.
Today, Tuesday, we drove to the Vanleigh RV factory in Burnside MS to tour the factory and look at some of their fifth wheels. GeeWhiz is not going away, we are thinking of planting a fifth wheel on our site to provide more living space while in Jojoba Hills. If this happens it will be a long time coming as we would need to decide what we want, order it and wait many months while planning and executing modifications to our site to make it happen.
In the midst of all these happenings I had a loss of sanity and filed my application to run for the Jojoba Hills Board of Directors. I was encouraged to run by a friend (?) who had the chutzpah to call me to tell me to run without being willing to do so himself. He’ll pay!
Backpacking w David many many years ago…Rockies…deep wilderness. Chip tooth. Raking tongue. Found nice stone w hust right “grit” and hardness. A few (many) minutes of syrface grinding. Viola! No sharp points. Dentist was impressed…big deal? I was no longer raking tongue…that was a big deal. Hope your tooth is ok !
Go Paul go

On way to Quantico to watch grandson’s graduation as 2nd LT USMC 11/11. He then
goes to Pensacola for aviation school.
Be well Ted
My goodness! You sure are busy during your travels. The dentist need and experience was very interesting. I’ve had a couple of those instances while we were traveling, but all turned out well. I would think having a permanent site in California is a great idea for you. May your travels continue to be interesting and be safe driving the rest of your way “home.” Hope to see you next year!!! God Bless & Much Luv to you and Carol!!!