After leaving 395 we drove to Shiprock NM. The place name is a reflection of the huge “rock” that stands above the plain, visible for miles. Here is our new Jeep in its first introduction to back roads.
In Shiprock we stayed with a Boondockers Welcome host whose name and location we have promised not to disclose. It was a church parking lot and on our arrival John greeted us and told us we would be there for a local food distribution the following day.
First thing we did the next day was drive out to Shiprock to see it up close for ourselves. We were back in time to help unload the truck and set up the distribution which started promptly at 2. By 3 Pm over 100 families had received staples and fresh product to help them eat for the coming week and there was not a morsel left on the driveway. We were tired, but glad to have been able to pitch in, we also made a gift to the church.
To any member of Boondockers Welcome heading into the 4 Corners area consider a stop in Shiprock and say “Hi” to John for us.
From Shiprock we headed down to I 40 and a turn East to find our way to American RV in Albuquerque. Once we set up we relaxed for a bit until it was time to go to the airport to pick up Erica.
After a night’s rest we took a long drive heading for Santa Fe via the Turquoise Highway. Our first stop was at Tinkertown Museum where we spent almost 2 hours admiring the work and the effort to create this museum.
We continued up the Sandia Crest Highway to the peak where we paused to look out over the plains and the “sky islands”.

From there we descended back to the trail and made our way to Madrid where where are galleries, restaurants and entertainment. We had lunch in the Mine Shaft Tavern before touring several of the galleries and shops. We proceeded up to Santa Fe where the traffic was dense and Erica expressed little interest in fighting the crowds and the wind so we returned to the coach for a light supper and continued talking.
The next day we set out for Basque del Apache National Wildlife Reserve. The visitor center was closed and traffic was minimal since the main attraction, the migratory Sand Hill Cranes and Snow Geese had already passed through on their way north. We did see many water fowl and a coyote and a Road Runner as well as many unidentified birds. We stopped in Socorro at the Owl Bar and Grill which has been in business at the same location for many years. The Green Chili Bowl with extra meat was delicious and brought tears to my eyes – as well as getting my nose running. Back to the coach and then out the next day to Petroglyph National Monument and some scrambling among the boulders – staying on the trail – to see many petroglyphs, actually just a few of 23,000 recorded.
Sunday night we had taken a Ghost Walk Tour with tour leader Charlie. It was a pleasant evening and his story telling as we stopped at various sites in old Town, even the name of Old Town, was wonderful. we really enjoyed the tour and Charlie made a point of mentioning Carol as he discussed various small women in his stories.
After the Petroglyph tour and a break we drove back to Old Town for ice cream or lunch or ice cream or. . . as we searched for an open restaurant we came across Charlie resting after having done two Historical Old Town Tours. As we chatted he suggested we ought to take the tour, we initially demurred since Erica would be leaving the next day. He offered to give us a private tour on the spot. We agreed! Although we did not cover a lot of geographic territory we got a thorough tour of the history of Old Town and how it came to be. By the time we finished it was time for ice cream! We decided “life is uncertain, eat dessert first”. Steve’s was serving mostly Blue Belle ice cream from Texas. It is wonderful even if not locally made.
Back at the coach we eventually had some snacks and turned in knowing that Erica would be leaving the next day.
After taking her to the airport, we returned to the coach to clean up and put things in travel mode to head for our next stop, Las Cruces NM where I am now finishing this post.
Paul— Terry & I are at Greta’s in Phoenix, Ariz today.
Heading west sometime tomorrow.
Is there a chance you’re headed this way? If so we’d love to spend some time with you guys!
We can be quite flexible at this stage.
Sent to Helene from Phoenix, AZ 5/28/21 7:35 pm
Hello Paul and Carol,
I worked at the University of New Mexico for a brief time in 1976. I lived in Cedar Crest and then in ABQ. Oh how I loved the expansiveness of the place– the days seemed endless: darkness falling around 9PM. I missed the ocean and moved back to Cambridge. I talked about NM so enthusiastically that that my cousin Sandy moved to Santa Fe and my surprise became the first black woman to open a gallery on Canyon Road– very successfully. Next my brother Jimmy moved to Santa Fe — they lived in the area for over 35 years until my brothers death in 2018. NM remains for me “the Land of Enchantment”. Remember to visit Abiquiu . When I see you I will tell you how my cousin joined the Order in that remote location. LOVE ALWAYS,