Progress Report 8 – Waiting

Since the last post not much has  happened other than healing, which is good. We have been told within the past hour that Carol will be moving to Rehab tomorrow, Thursday 24 September. 

Carol has been walking up and down the corridor several times a day with aids escorting her and sitting up for meals and to converse. The cervical collar and the brace continue to be uncomfortable , necessary annoyances. Some day . . . darn I had a wonderful cliche in mind, but I’ve lost it. 

In the midst of this, Malena and Dan are preparing to close on their new farm and to move in just after Yom Kippur. At some point I will be moving the coach to the new place in Dyke Virginia, about as far north of Charlottesville as Covesville is South. We scoped out the utilities and it should be easy to get set up, Dan is arranging for an electrician to install a 50 amp outlet near the coach. 

More when I have more to report.

12 thoughts on “Progress Report 8 – Waiting”

  1. So glad, Carol, that you’re getting up and around – crucial to healing! I’m sure it hurts like heck to maneuver with the collar and brace and your poor battered body. But you’re a strong woman and will persist 🙂 I hope you enjoy whatever services you Zoom for Yom Kippur. May your new year be a billion times better than this year, guys. Love, cath

  2. Great news. Thank you for taking the time to post. Love to you both and also Dan, Malena and the kids.

  3. Wonderful news about Carol. She is in our prayers and we hope her progress continues! These bumps in the road are so emotionally draining for the spouse, so I keep you in my prayers as well, Paul. It is very hard to be separated from your wife.
    God Bless both of you during these holidays you have and always! Much Love – DArlene

  4. Glad Carol is healing. I am going to a map to find Dyke. I have absolutely no idea where you are. – Hugs to both, Sandy

  5. So sorry I missed Carol’s phone call!
    I am so glad she is now in rehab. My best wishes for a speedy recovery and she will be home soon – wherever that is!

  6. This year cannot end soon enough, may it end in a positive note with your good health and a brand new president. Love & hugs, Cindy

  7. *_ not much has happened other than healing?!?!?! _*
    That’s the whole ball of wax!
    Except for your being able to see her in person…
    We’re pulling for you, Carol & Paul.
    All our Love,
    Susan & Jon

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