In Quarantine!

We are living in our 300 square feet of motorhome. Somehow it feels bigger than the hotel rooms we were in. The outdoors is visible no matter where we face and we can walk out if we choose, so long as we keep our distance from others. Our 2 week quarantine is not much different from those around us who are living under the Stay Safer limits everyone in California faces. 

We went shopping on Wednesday morning before settling in. We found most of what we were looking for, even some paper goods. Then yesterday I got online and ordered almost everything else we needed. Even bought two 30 gallon propane tanks so we can return to using propane to heat. It’s a price thing! 

This morning I attended my first Zoom JCATS meeting. I expect we will gather at the usual time 3 times a week to discuss technical matters in the park and how to keep people’s television, internet and phones functioning without being able to go into their rigs at all. It could get interesting. 

I spoke to my Uncle Josh, in his 90’s in a new home. He seems to be getting on well. Followed up with a Zoom call later. Getting very tech these days. 

I just received the propane tanks, labeled them and took them up to the refill station. For my next venture out of doors I plan to take a walk avoiding getting within 6 feet of anybody. Then later today we may have a Zoom Happy Hour. I’m waiting for Carol to try  working with Zoom.  

Reality check, we are very social people and miss the company of others. Even when we are no longer quarantined we will still need to practice social distancing. It is really hard to converse with a group who are all so separated. I guess we will have to learn a new way of living. 

Pessimist here! I think that many of the changes we are making are long term if not permanent. I cannot imagine  a time when we will be able to get to Rochester or Charlottesville. Vaccine is a long way off and even treatment is strictly supportive care to relieve symptoms so far. This virus will not magically disappear. It is doing just fine in Panama where daytime temperatures are in the 90’s and it cools off to high 70’s, so the arrival of warm weather here will not stop it. Not to contradict the president of course.  Once it has run its course, many people will have acquired immunity, maybe, but the surviving elderly who successfully avoided it will not benefit from that supposed immunity.  We will remain vulnerable to grandkids and passing strangers. 

I need my mask and gloves, long term.

2 thoughts on “In Quarantine!”

  1. I agree with everything you say, Paul. We are in it for the Long Haul and that includes social distancing not congregating in groups. It’s a different world and it will be 4 quite some time. The shape of our social lives is completely different but beyond that there are people who are really suffering.

    1. This Corona Virus thing is a pain in the rear!!! I hear you and just pray that this will end before the end of 2020. I can’t imagine all the people who are suffering – especially those in our age group. I am so used to having my grand girls around with their sporting events, dance competitions, school events, worship (3 generations of the Spafford family still in one church!) Now we communicate over the phone a couple times a week. I sure hope I can get some lessons on skype and zoom or any other way I can at least see my kids and my grandkids. Yes, this is going to be a new way of life – but I do believe God is Good…….All The Time and there are so many lessons to learn when a whole world is effected by this situation. Look at all the help being given to others who are in need. And the creative ways that teachers are doing digital teaching and keeping track of all the students and families that might need more assistance. Americans always adapt and do what is right…….except for our President who keeps dropping the ball and lying to us. I pray every day that Dr. Fauci updates us every day on what is Really Happening. But again, God is in control and He will not desert us!!! Stay well and I send my Love – Darlene

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