Pictures! Rabat to The Sahara

Here are some highlights in pictures through our time in the desert. 
Still to come Marrakesh and a Balloon flight.

Gathering with Tour Leader Malek
Yechiel, Cory, Dan, Rohma, Josh
Alexander, Carol (Mom, Bubbeh), Malena
Blue Quarter of Rabat, former Jewish Quarter
From Port of Rabat
Same locale

Josh Alexander, Cory, Rohma

Synagogue in Fes
Yechiel with Torah in Fes
Oldest Tannery in Fes Medina
Vegetable Silk in dye center
Trying out some head scarves.
Chanukah special deep fried in olive oil!
Into the Sahara
Camp in the Sahara
Tea with a Nomad
A ride in the desert

Some Gnaua music and dance

Boys being boys!



2 thoughts on “Pictures! Rabat to The Sahara”

  1. Thanks. I enjoyed the pictures. What an adventure. It looks like your family is with you.

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