We have had two active days since the last post.
Friday we were picked up at our apartment by Eddie who manages the apartments and provides guide service. We set out for the Montserrat Monastery in a grey, dreary day with some promise of rain. As we got closer to the mountain the clouds began to lift and presented us with this view:
Shooting from the car makes it hard to avoid street signs and wires.
Our first objective on arrival was to stop saying WOW at the mountain environment

We climbed these stairs to reach the level of the floor of the church
The miracle was I got a picture with no one on the stairs, we never saw them this open once an hour had passed.
We waited in line to see the Black Madonna, we may have been the only people there not wanting to venerate her, other than with a photo
As soon as I tripped the shutter the guard said “No Photos” well he said something in Spanish that I took to mean that. The figure is surrounded by a glass case which barely shows. Surprising since people were laying their hands and faces on the glass.
We waited with many others to hear a boy choir perform in the church with the modern organ.
We moved on from the Monastery after this performance for lunch in the ocean front town of Sitges at a restaurant called Pic Nic – for the movie.
This was the view from our ocean front table. Eddie ordered for us and we shared, octopus, anchovies and a small fried ball of fish. The description hardly does justice to the food. It was heavenly. Carol had a vegetable tempura that thrilled her, with enough to make up part of her dinner in the apartment later that night.
As we prepared for bed a huge thunderstorm moved over the city. We were grateful to have no reason to move out of the apartment until morning.
I will post the next day’s activity soon.