To all who I have hurt, insulted, harmed in any way, by intent or through carelessness in the past year. I apologize. Please forgive me. I forgive you for any slights or hurts you may have done to me.
The new header image above is our apartment building in Rochester. If you look at the first floor above the grey paint from the left corner to the middle column that is our apartment (the arched windows are the floor above us). This image will be changed when we start traveling in a couple of weeks so I’ll insert it here as well.

Living in 1450 square feet feels like we are in a mansion with much more space than we are used to. We love it and love its contents, but will be ready to move on to new adventures when the time comes.
We have been very busy seeing friends, and a few doctors, We are taking in two Rochester Philharmonic concerts a play and we have even been to a film. We saw BlackkKlansman Spike Lee’s recent film. We highly recommend it. It is tough and the language is as strong as it must be.
The arts scene has been vibrant as Rochester leaves Summer behind heading into Fall and people return from vacation. Someone forgot to tell the weatherman that summer ends here with Labor Day. We have been sweltering in high 80’s and low 90’s. Combine this with high humidity and SoCal at 100 seems almost pleasant.
It feels like we are flying through time because we are making so many plans for the remaining almost three weeks we are here. We are trying to slow down so we can enjoy our time here. Today I walked to a meeting about 1 mile from the apartment and then stopped by a pharmacy 2 miles beyond that. By the time I returned I had covered over 5 miles and felt fine, just a bit warm. Compared to our hikes in SoCal this wasn’t even a “walk in the park” more of a stroll on the sidewalk, but after so much sitting it felt good to move again.
We move on to Yom Kippur starting Tuesday evening and will be greeting most everyone with the opening paragraph above. Over the years during this time I have attempted reconciliation with people from whom I have become estranged and restored what seemed like lost friendships. It is a good time to be at peace with oneself.
PS the “Walk in the park” reference is from our 85 year old hiking master who calls every hike no matter how strenuous just a walk in the park.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Carol and Paul. I am with you as you fly around the world–and in awe of the fullness of your collected lives! May the year to come bring continuing joy and good health!
Mutual respect, courtesy and forgiveness, three flowers from the same stem. Blessings.