In the rush to get back to Jojoba Hills I stopped documenting the trip in this blog. I will just fill in some of the detail for those who are interested and for my own record. This post has been gathering dust for a couple of weeks now. Carol is done doctoring for the time being and we are preparing for our next adventures, to be posted soon.
Our first stop after leaving the Mannings was Evergreen Coho SKP Coop in Chimicum WA on the peninsula. We had been looking forward to visiting this northernmost SKP park for some time. However when I entered the address in the Garmin it offered Anderson Hill Road rather than Anderson Lake Road. The difference was Port Orchard rather than Chimicum. We were really enjoying our audio book and didn’t pay close attention when it directed us off 101. We eventually entered the correct address were able to forge on to the park. It is very lovely and quite a contrast to Jojoba Hills being flat and sites being neatly lined up in even rows. The people were all very pleasant and we were made to feel welcome. We ended up in a site with water, but no electric. There was electric on the site but the box was locked! We explored the area going to Port Angeles where we wandered around the town and drifted in and out of shops.
While there I started looking for our next stop. We found ourselves in the high season and it was not getting any easier to get a camping spot. I went to North Whidby Island RV Park and entered their availability search with combined length of 56′ (coach plus Jeep) and turned up nothing available. I tried again with just the 36′ and sure enough found a campsite. Upon arrival I discovered an oops. There was no place on the chosen site for the Jeep 🙁 for a small ($10) extra fee there was parking in a nearby lot. We drove over to the state park across the street and took a half mile hike to see the bridge from Whidby Island to Fidalgo Island where Anacortes is.

Upon returning from the hike it was clear we needed to get Carol to the ER in Anacortes. We decided to stay put one more day before rolling south to Jojoba Hills.
We took the next day, Saturday, to go into Anacortes where we encountered Shipwreck Day. There were 10 blocks of vendors, many of them from the shops supplying commercial fishing, selling off surplus, antiquated, new goods for fishing. Also there were vendors with everything else you might imagine. We got so distracted we never made it to the Farmers market on a side street until it was closed. We finished the day with a trip to the Local maritime museum and their paddle wheel snag puller.
This brings us up to the previous post. . .