Athens arrival

The flights from Rochester to Kennedy to Vienna to Athens were uneventful save some hassles with security theater.  They got after Carol twice the in Vienna it was my turn. I failed to display my liquids separately,  bad boy, for that we will take everything out of the carry on to be sure you aren’t hiding something else.

At the airport in Vienna we saw the prefect carryon for the scooter fiend on your circle:

Arrival was a piece of cake.  No line up for immigration, no customs line and the luggage came up early and together.  Our driver was waiting at the exit with our name on a sign.  And there was no traffic on the way in to the hotel.  The temperature was 40 C. To save you converting,  37 C is normal body temperature.  
It took us about an hour to door of St up the room and we could see the Acropolis from the roof top restaurant of our hotel.  So what else could we do?  We walked two blocks to an entrance and state climbing, and climbing,  and climbing. This was made more interesting by heat and lack of sleep piled on top of our years. 
Here is a picture taken with my phone.  Haven’t set up transfer from the camera yet:
This is a very large theater on the slopes of the Acropolis.  There is another slighty smaller theater that had been fully restored like the one at Cesarea. 
Now we are cleaning up and thinking about dinner.